Enrol Now
Enrolment for new and continuing students are now open.
Please ensure you include your email address so you receive our newsletters, announcements and other important information.
Free Trials
SALA Administration
Have a chat with our administrative staff, Maureen and Judy, and they will assist you with your orientation to SALA.
Discount for Siblings
Enrolments for the second and subsequent students in the same family can also receive a $10 discount.
Early Bird Discount
Tuition fees paid for the following year in full before the end of Term 4 will receive a $10 early bird discount per student.
CLS Subsidy
Under the Victoria Department of Education & Training’s Community Language School funding program, SALA is able to offer a subsidy off enrolment fees.
To be eligible, students need to attend regular day school, and supply their school details by 2nd March 2024.