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COVID Safe Plan

Mother and Child

Purpose of this Policy

To outline how SALA - Society for Asian Languages and Arts school will help to prevent and control the transmission of Coronavirus and to promote health within the school community.

For more information go to:



SALA have a legal responsibility to help manage infectious diseases in their facilities.

The school also has an important role to play in supporting the prevention and control of transmission of infectious diseases through:

  • abiding by legislated requirements for school exclusion, infectious disease;

  • supporting the personal hygiene routines of students, for example, provision of hand hygiene facilities; and

  • ensuring procedures are in place to safely manage the handling of individuals who display any symptoms of Coronavirus which is fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath.

​Note: Primary responsibility for the prevention and control of infectious diseases lies with individuals, families and public health authorities. SALA School is not expected to provide expert advice or treat students, which is the role of medical practitioners and health authorities as appropriate.


Hand hygiene is a general term referring to any action of hand cleansing. It includes hand washing with soap and water and using antimicrobial hand rubs (for example, an alcohol-based hand rub). For more detailed information about hand hygiene, see: Personal Hygiene in Related policies

Respiratory hygiene or cough etiquette are terms used to describe infection prevention measures. Practices include:

  • covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing;

  • using tissues and disposing of them appropriately; and

  • attending to hand hygiene immediately after coughing, sneezing or blowing nose.

Standard precautions are the minimum infection prevention and control practices that must be used at all times for all people in all situations. The use of standard precautions aims to minimise and, where possible, eliminate the risk of transmission of infection.

Hand Hygiene
Personal Hygiene

Prevention of Coronavirus

The following table outlines the strategies and actions that SALA has implemented to reduce the transmission of Coronavirus.

Standard precautions

Staff and students should treat all flu like symptoms as being potentially infectious and practice standard precautions whenever dealing with them.

Standard precautions include:
• Hand hygiene is considered one of the most important infection control measures for reducing the spread of infection, for more information, see Wash your hands regularly poster;
• the use of personal protective equipment (for example, gloves and face masks);
• respiratory hygiene.

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The Society for Asian Languages and Arts (SALA) school is accredited by the Victorian Department of Education, and we’re proud members of the Ethnic Schools of Victoria and the Community Schools Australia.

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